Mudanzas Mundiales have advised that Luis Holst Echeverría, Mobility Manager, is no longer working with them.
“During the 9 years that he worked in the company, he performed first as Quality Improvement Engineer, before overseeing the pricing unit, until his final appointment as Mobility Manager.” said Carlos José Zuniga, President.
“During this period, he demonstrated his learning skills and adaptability to the company needs. Luis built excellent relationships with members of the international moving industry and with great colleagues and friends that will surely miss him as much as we will. Mudanzas Mundiales is grateful for all these years of commitment and loyalty. We have seen Luis grow personally and professionally and take on new challenges. Undoubtedly we will miss him, but we also know that this new chapter in his life will be full of success and opportunities. The doors of our moving family will always be open for him.