Following the successful Global Moving and Mobility Standards Summit meeting at IAM in October, OMNI (Overseas Moving Network International) has now confirmed that it will be joining forces with IAM and FIDI, under the name of the Moving Mobility Standards Alliance (MMSA), to support an initiative to develop standards for reliable data exchange so that more accurate shipment information can be exchanged between origin and destination partners and other stakeholders within the chain.
A joint statement has been issued expressing the group’s shared vision and identifying key goals aimed at standardising the way in which data is shared in the industry; specifying communication protocols to ensure proper rules are in place for how data is managed between different stakeholders involved in the global moving and mobility supply chain; and educating the industry to take full advantage of the opportunities offered through smoother, more reliable communication.
Ian Waters, General Manager of OMNI, said that he was very enthusiastic about this initiative which would have significant benefits for the whole industry and help it to meet future demands for efficiency and automation. “The technology is already available to us,” he said. “It now requires everyone to come together to make it work. Setting industry standards for data exchange will transform the way the industry communicates, creating efficiencies for moving and relocation companies and a much more seamless service for our customers.”
MMSA will consist of a body of diverse stakeholders that can bring their own technical expertise to the project, led by a steering committee. The group intends to meet during the first quarter of 2020 to identify the scope of work and how the MMSA will be governed.