Strike called in Chile


Hellen Concha, Traffic Manager from Unipack in Santiago, Chile, has advised that the fiscal employees in the country have called a 72-hour strike in support of their wage demands.  Services such as customs offices, NSA, health department, and others government institutions will be affected.  This means that the processing of consignments arriving at the country’s ports and airports could be delayed while the strike continues.

More information as the situation develops

UPDATE – 02/11/16
Please be aware the strike of Fiscal Employees in Chile (ANEF) will continue for another 72 hours as an agreement with the Government has yet to be made.
(Monday 31st and  Tuesday 1st  were holidays in Chile)
More information as the situation develops

Momentous, Abels and Gerson merge



Momentous Relocation in London has announced that on Friday 14th October 2016, the company merged with Abels Moving Services and Gerson Relocation under common ownership led by Paul Evans. Phil Pertoldi, the current chairman of both Abels and Gerson, will remain with the new company as chairman of Abels Moving Services. The merger combines the strength of three leading moving and relocation brands delivering a wider menu of services, increased resources, and greater capacity to clients.


Under the Royal Warrant “By Appointment to Her Majesty the Queen”, Abels Moving Services is a highly acclaimed specialist in residential and international moving services and is also a leader in commercial moving and new furniture distribution. Abels has a reputation for delivering exemplary service. 


Gerson Relocation (formerly Michael Gerson Ltd) has been synonymous with delivering unrivalled quality moving and relocation services to corporate clients since 1961. This attention to detail and customer focus led to the company becoming the very first relocation recipient of the ‘Queen’s Award for Export’; the company was also selected to move Margaret Thatcher both into and out of Number 10 Downing Street. 


Momentous Relocation is a leader in international moving, relocation, commercial distribution and the movement of fine arts. Over the last two years, the company has more than doubled in revenue.


Commenting on the merger, Paul Evans, said “We are very excited about the future of the new group, given the enormous strengths and reputation of the three brands and the combined experience. We are delighted that Phil Pertoldi will remain with the Group and I know he is excited about working with us to maintain the quality-driven ethos of all three companies while making sure we adapt and grow to meet the changing expectations and needs of all of our clients.”


Also commenting on the merger, Michael Gerson, ex-chairman of Gerson Relocation, said “Congratulations, it’s really exciting news to hear and fantastic for the industry! I wish the company every success.”


Please contact for further details. 


Christopher Jenkins Rejoins Suddath



The Suddath Companies has announced a key addition to its Global Moving Services with the appointment of Christopher Jenkins as director of international business development.


Chris has over 12 years of experience in sales management within the international relocation industry, including nine previous years at Suddath® from 2005 to 2014, where he held various roles in B2C and B2B sales. In his new role, Chris will direct and manage the international relocation sales team as well as focus on maximising partnerships with the company’s overseas agent network to offer the strongest possible international programme. 


“Chris brings a wealth of knowledge and a long history of great success in the international space,” said Larry Goldman, Vice President of Global Residential Sales.  “His energy and enthusiasm is contagious and Suddath is very fortunate to have him back to lead our aggressive efforts in this business unit.”


“As consumers’ buying habits evolve and the need for even greater efficiencies and value are expected, I am pleased to bring my knowledge and experience back to Suddath to help meet these needs,” said Chris.  “I look forward to driving the organisation forward and making Suddath a household name in the international moving arena.”


Photo:  Christopher Jenkins  


Fermont helps raise €89,000 for MS charity


Fermont in Germany has helped raise €89,000 for the German Multiple Sclerosis Association (DMSG) by providing logistics services to the 13th Pfennigbazar (Penny Bazaar) held on 7 September at the Frankfurt Dominican Monastery.  


The revenues of the two-day sale in the popular second-hand charity warehouse are mainly intended to benefit the DMSG in Hesse that provides consulting and therapeutic services for multiple sclerosis sufferers as well as new projects focusing on young multiple sclerosis patients.


Susie von Verschuer-Bär, CEO of Fermont and co-initiator and highly engaged member of the DMSG in Hesse, was delighted with the result at the end of the sale.  “We earned EUR 89,000.00 in two days,” she said. “We are very satisfied with this.” Susie and her team have been the organisational backbone of the Pfennigbazar since it started in 2004. “The donations which were sorted by the volunteer helpers on seven collective appointments filled over 1,700 moving boxes.”  Susie also explained that she had expected money to be harder to raise this year because of the support for refugees, but people had continued to be very generous. 


 “The Pfennigbazar is not only an important source of income, but it serves as a platform to inform about multiple sclerosis in general, to put a focus on our self-help organization and to inform about our various offers,” said Bernd Crusius, Managing Director of DMSG in Hesse. “A lot has actual happened to address young multiple sclerosis patients. One example is the online platform MS-Connect on which young multiple sclerosis patients can share their experiences in a protected space.”


The PfennigBazaar is popular for its low-priced designer clothes, exclusive evening dresses and elegant suits. Visitors could be sure to find something amongst the huge choice of high quality women’s, men’s and children’s clothes, household goods, art objects, bric-à-brac and toys in good condition.  


Over 300 volunteer helpers had been in action for two days and had even started with the Pfennigbazar’s installation Monday before. They unpacked the goods, gave assistance to the clients and wrapped fragile items. 


The DMSG in Hesse thanks sponsor Galeria Kaufhof, caterers JP-Ela Gourmet-Service and Evangelical Regional Association (which has provided the rooms of the Dominican Monastery) for their support and help. The DMSG in Hesse gets three quarters of the revenues and one quarter goes to the Hospice Association St. Katharina. Anything that has not been sold was given to other non-profit organisations that care for families in need or homeless people.


Photo:  Susanne Freifrau von Verschuer, CEO Fermont; Renate von Metzler, Honorary Chairman DMSG; and Bernd Crusius, Managing Director DMSG.



Fermont’s Martin Brock: Germany’s best apprentice


Martin Brock from Fermont has become Germany’s best apprentice as a specialist in furniture, kitchen and removal services.  Together with his training manager from Fermont, Veronika Acker, he travelled to Berlin and was honoured by the German Chamber of Commerce and Industry at a celebratory gathering, which was anchored by the very popular German entertainer Barbara Schöneberger.


The Chamber of Commerce in Frankfurt on the Main honoured Martin for his outstanding results in the Hessian final exams. Susanne Freifrau von Verschuer, the CEO of Fermont was very proud and accompanied him on this special day.


A few weeks later, it was clear that he was not only the best apprentice in the Hessian exams, but he has also the best results compared with the results from all other German federal states. Martin Brock is still with Fermont and started a second apprenticeship as an office clerk in the Frankfurt Office.


Photo: Veronika Acker, Martin Brock, Susanne Freifrau von Verschuer

Photo credit: Stephan Krutsch Photographie


AIReS Introduces PuzzlePack and AIReSChatter



AIReS has recently announced two new pieces of technology designed to help clients: PuzzlePack and AIReSChatter.


PuzzlePack is a mobile puzzle game that’s designed to engage the children of relocating families, but it is fun and challenging for kids of all ages. The game challenges the player to fill a moving truck quickly to earn the most points and move on to the next level (twenty levels in total). Players earn bonus points for answering the mid-level trivia correctly and will want to play again and again to earn the most points and all the rewards. PuzzlePack was designed by AIReS in conjunction with Sword & Spirit Software and is available for download for free on Apple App Store for iOS and Google Play for Android. 


AIReSChatter is a new client forum allows corporate mobility professionals and AIReS’ clients to share ideas and information with each other and allows them to ask and answer questions in an open forum. Additionally, the AIReS Consulting Services team will post key information from surveys, white papers, and articles of interest and benefit to clients.


Image:  PuzzlePack 


Graebel becomes a signatory member of the UNGC

Graebel Relocation was recently named a signatory member of the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC), the world’s largest corporate citizenship and sustainability initiative. 

Companies that have signed the United Nations Global Compact are expected to align their operations and strategies with ten universally-accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption. By doing so, business, as a primary driver of globalization, can help ensure that markets, commerce, technology, and finance advance in ways that benefit economies and societies everywhere.

“We are very proud of Graebel’s CSR program and activities,” said Bill Graebel, Chief Executive Officer. “We determined that the UN Global Compact is an ideal initiative to unify our worldwide support for progressive human rights, labour, environmental and anti-corruption actions. In the area of human rights and labour we have identified being the ‘Employer of Choice’ as one of our critical company objectives. Further as we have expanded globally we have updated many of the company’s and supply chain policies and procedures to meet and exceed local requirements and to aggressively support our commitment to fair labour practices, freedom of association and to abolish child labour. We will use our ISO 14001 environmental program to support the UN Global Compact environment principles. Over the last year’s we have strengthened our anti-bribery programs and have conducted internal and external training. Graebel has many robust programs in place and will use the UN Global Compact annual ‘Communication on Progress’ to document these programs, identify areas for improvement and to establish metrics to measure our results”.


The Ten Principles of the UN Global Compact

Human Rights

Principle 1: Businesses should support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights; and

Principle 2: make sure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses. 


Principle 3: Businesses should uphold the freedom of association and the effective recognition of the right to collective bargaining;

Principle 4: the elimination of all forms of forced and compulsory labour;

Principle 5: the effective abolition of child labour; and

Principle 6: the elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. 


Principle 7: Businesses should support a precautionary approach to environmental challenges;

Principle 8: undertake initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility; and

Principle 9: encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. 


Principle 10: Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery.


Simon Hood promoted at John Mason


John Mason International has appointed Simon Hood to its executive board, as sales and marketing director. 


Simon (32) joined the company to head up its marketing and sales team in 2015. Since then he has impressed in the role, raising the firm’s profile within the industry, in the wider relocation fraternity, and among consumers. 


With a combination of creative flare and a perceptiveness of market trends, Simon has gained individual business success since starting out in 2009.


Simon has worked within the global mobility industry for eight years – and has been recognised for his skills, expertise and achievements on several occasions during that time. Most recently, he was named in the top 10 of the Best Global Moving Rising Star of the Year category, in the International Mobility Convention’s Achievement in Mobility Awards.


Since joining John Mason International, Simon has cemented its reputation as one of the leading international moving companies in the UK. “This is a very exciting time here – and we are thrilled to be welcoming Simon to the executive board,” said Noel Briscoe, Chief Operating Officer at John Mason International. “Our team is world-renowned for the high quality services and support it provides to those wishing to up roots and move to pastures new. Simon’s enthusiasm, innovation, fresh outlook and creative strengths will further enhance our reputation as leaders in this field.”


Based in Liverpool and London, John Mason International is one of the top 100 removals companies in the world – providing professional, high quality, services to and from the UK to international destinations. Founded in 1884, the firm has many years’ experience within the moving industry, coordinating moves – tailored to individual circumstances – by sea, road and air.


“I’m flattered to be asked to take on a more senior role at this long-established and ambitious company,” said Simon Hood. “This is a fantastic opportunity – and I’m looking forward to some challenging but enjoyable and exciting times ahead at John Mason International over the coming months and years. The industry is undergoing a large amount of change brought about by new regulations and growing technology. John Mason has an excellent reputation within the industry and I’m looking forward to ensuring this, whilst we continue to see the company grow.”


Photo:  Simon Hood and Noel Briscoe


Shipping rates increase following Hanjin failure


Xeneta’s global community of shippers is reeling from the impact of the demise of Hanjin Shipping, the world’s seventh largest containership operator. Xeneta crowd-sources shipping rate data from more than 600 major international businesses, many of whom have now been hit by stranded inventory, rising prices and – in a shock development for a sector struggling with structural overcapacity – claims of under-capacity from the remaining liners.


Oslo-based Xeneta is a global benchmarking and market intelligence platform for containerized ocean freight. Its community of shippers provide it with up-to-date information across over 17 million contracted rates, covering more than 60,000 port-to-port pairings. This gives it, and its customers looking to negotiate the best rates, an unrivalled real-time snapshot of the market.


That snapshot isn’t pleasant viewing for shippers right now. “The Hanjin saga has the potential to redefine the container shipping landscape,” commented Xeneta CEO Patrik Berglund. “For an industry that has struggled with collapsing rates, severe overcapacity (8.1% at the beginning of 2016) and devastated profit margins – with even Maersk down 90% year on year for Q2 – this marks an opportunity to finally regain the upper hand at the negotiating table.”


“Hanjin’s failure resulted in an immediate capacity reduction of up to 8% in transpacific and Asian-European routes and this gives competitors an obvious fillip. We’ve seen 2M (MSC and Maersk) moving to launch a new transpacific service, while the feedback we’ve received from our community details rising rates, stretched capacity, claims of broken contracts – when agreed at low prices – and a need to go to the spot market, where quotes of between one and three months are not being contracted.”


“In many ways the market has been turned on its head. Now it’s the liners flexing their muscles again. The question is, how long will this last?”


Berglund said that for many of the firm’s community it’s the stranded inventory that’s the number one priority, with an estimated USD 14.5 billion of goods marooned on vessels worldwide, belonging to some 8,300 different companies. Many of Xeneta’s customers have “hundreds of containers” stranded at sea.


That’s the immediate concern, but, as he explains, the long-term is also causing consternation. “Short term rates were already rising on the main Far East Asian to North European port route, the world’s most important trade channel, since hitting lows in March. Then the market average price for a 40’ container stood at USD 552, in late August it climbed to USD 1172 and now it’s USD 1834. Transpacific routes have climbed from USD 839 in March to USD 1887 now.


“As the year comes to an end the tendering/bidding season starts for many European shippers,” said Berglund. “This will be a wake-up call for the large-volume shippers who have maybe become accustomed to basking in long-term contracts at low rates. In a changed market the carriers won’t be as accommodating. Last term’s prices will suddenly be a distant memory.” 


The container segment has been stuck on a rollercoaster for years, Xeneta argues, and this latest corkscrew will do little to ease the sense of fluctuating rates and jolts in supply and demand.


“Stability is sorely lacking,” concluded Berglund, “and Hanjin could be the tip of the iceberg, as lenders tire of propping up players that have been limping along in this difficult market for too long. For the time being the carriers will enjoy exploiting the change of fortunes and their overcapacity gives them the means to step in and fill Hanjin’s hole. But this isn’t the long-term fix the industry needs.


“In this uncertain environment prices will continue fluctuating. That means shippers, freight forwarders and carriers need the latest data, from advanced software platforms like ours, to stay on top of developments and get the right price for their cargoes. There’s much more to come in this dynamic segment. I’d advise everyone to stay tuned.”


Strike at San Antonio Port, Chile

Strike of Employees in Chile

OMNI would like to thank Ward Van Lines for informing us that …”members of the Union, who demand better job benefits, have today called for a strike in San Antonio Port in Chile.
Shipments arriving and departing from this Port, will have to be transferred to other local Ports.
However this means, delay in the logistical operations.”

NB: Advised 7th September ’16. 


09/09/16 – UPDATE

The strike is ongoing. Unfortunately at this date no further information is available.

As soon as we are made of any updates we will share them with you.


22/09/16 – UPDATE

The strike is now over and operations are expected to gradually return to normal.